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Victoria, BC

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The Coles Notes on Twitter Stats

Recently, a social media analytics company – Sysomos Inc. – analyzed over 11.5 million Twitter accounts and have come up with very detailed findings. I have collected the summarized version, but you can check out the full version of their findings here. 72.5% of all users joining during the first five months of 2009 85.3% of all...

Remember the Good Ol’ Days?

I did a bit of dabbling on YouTube and found some fantastic old commercials. Most of them are from the age of innocence and naiveté. Back when smoking was sexy and endorsed by everybody. Who would have thought that having a creepy Ronald McDonald, waterskiing while smoking, or having Barney Rubble smoking would be a logical...

Modest Mouse / Heath Ledger video

There is a bit of hoopla around Modest Mouse's latest music video, King Rat. It is beautifully illustrated, it tells a very graphic bizarre tale of whales hunting humans. The subject matter is dark and deep. Funny, as soon as something like whale hunting gets humanized it becomes something outrageous, and evil. Perhaps this should be...

5 Products that make you say What the?!

Here is a compilation of REAL products that make you wonder what was going through the minds of the “inventors”. Imagine being the agency that get these products to create advertising for. Yikes. The best part of these products is watching the infomercials for them. The complete discomfort of the user prior to their purchase is priceless....

How do you spell eco-friendly?

With everybody pitching in these days offering effective ways to environmentally responsible, a Dutch company (Spranq) has constructed an eco typeface. Built by removing up to 1/5th of a letter using tiny circles can sustain readability while reducing ink usage. It doesn’t sound like a lot of savings, but over time can make a difference, however...

Deadline Video :: the Prequel Sequel

I had posted earlier on an amazing stop-motion video of an Art Student’s final project using post-it notes. (Story here)  It has become a large success on Youtube—2 million hits +. Now there is a “Making of Video” that has been posted. It is interesting to see how much planning went into the video.  Have a...

CGI is so passé.

After all the struggles over the last few years to recreate uber-hyper realistic CGI it appears that a backlash has begun. Take Coldplay’s latest music video. A marvel to say the least. It takes simple chalk drawing interaction to the Nth level. Sure it is using CGI, but it is as far from photo realistic as...

Advertising is wicked sick.

Working in an ad agency, I am a firm believer that advertising works. I found this great video that is a reinforcement of the claim. It goes to show that great copywriting is worth its weight in gold. Two Aussies flip a BMX bike on eBay for a 500% profit. Who wouldn’t want to be the proud...

Where do you fit in?

What does your social network usage say about you? I found a great article that breaks down consumer’ interests and habits based on whether they use Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or Linkedin. After conducting surveys on 5,000 individuals, Anderson Analytics has collected some interesting numbers and facts that can help businesses target potential consumers. Here is an abbreviation...