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Victoria, BC
(250) 508.1409
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(250) 508.1409

Victoria, BC

Mon - Fri 8.30 - 17.00

What’s In a Name?

You’ve got your business “Big Idea”! Excellent, now where do you go? Creating a new product, real estate development, or commercial business is an exciting, intense project. There are many moving parts that require scrutiny and attention to detail. One of these is determining branding and market strategy. One of the first steps is determining what you are...

Good enough isn’t good enough.

The marketing industry is knee-deep in continuous cycles of innovation. A recent cycle was the introduction of websites. Companies were slapping up something, anything to create a presence (animated GIFs anyone?), and then they caught their breath, and a second wave came through to clean things up and optimize sites. Social Media was then introduced and the cycle...